Brand Identity, Graphic Design, UX Design, Web Design & Development

Trinity Dunn


January 2024


United States




Project Overview

Trinity Dunn, a best-selling author, sought to revitalize her brand and online presence to better connect with her target audience: female readers aged 35 to 50. The project encompassed developing a cohesive brand identity, designing captivating book covers, and creating a user-friendly website that catered to the preferences of her readers.

Developing the brand

The first step was to define Trinity Dunn’s brand essence. We aimed to create a visual identity that resonated with her audience while reflecting the themes of her writing. Drawing inspiration from Trinity’s evocative storytelling, we crafted a brand that exuded elegance and sophistication, with a touch of whimsy.

Determining the Audience

Understanding the preferences and desires of Trinity’s target audience was crucial. Through extensive UX research, we gained insights into their reading habits, interests, and visual preferences. This guided our design decisions, ensuring that every aspect of the brand and website spoke directly to the hearts of female readers aged 35 to 50.

Logo & Colors

The logo was designed to be timeless yet contemporary, embodying Trinity’s literary voice. Rich, desaturated colors were chosen to evoke a sense of warmth and depth, while allowing book covers and imagery to take center stage. This ensured that visitors to the website would be drawn to Trinity’s captivating stories at first glance.

The Books.

For Trinity’s 5-book Adrift series, we embraced a nautical theme, infusing each cover with imagery that transported readers to the high seas. “A Song of Snow and Shadows,” a fantasy romance, received a light, ethereal cover designed to stand out in its genre. “Like a Tree Planted by Water,” an Adrift origin story, was adorned with imagery that echoed its introspective themes.

The Website.
The Experience

The website was built on a headless WordPress environment, ensuring seamless performance and flexibility. With a focus on responsiveness, we optimized the site for various devices and screen sizes. 


To cater to readers accustomed to reading in dark mode at night, we implemented both light and dark modes, enhancing the reading experience and accessibility.

The Results

The strategic overhaul yielded remarkable results. Trinity Dunn’s website experienced a 65% increase in user traffic and nearly doubled event participation. With a Lighthouse score exceeding 90, the site demonstrated enhanced performance and accessibility. Organic search visibility soared, propelling Trinity’s website from obscurity to prominence on search engine results pages. Sales surged by 30%, and social media reach and engagement saw a notable 31% uptick, marking a comprehensive triumph across all fronts.

User Traffic
Lighthouse Averages
Sales Increase
Social Media Engagement